July 31, 2016

The Art of Writing an Event Report

Having an event report—a written and published account of what happened at an event—is helpful in many ways.  An event report preserves history for future generations, tells a story of great deeds that happened, encourages participation to future events, and at the least, is a filler for your local newsletter or website.  Sometimes these reports are written out, sometimes they aren’t.  Writing out an event report is something easily accomplished with a little know-how and some effort.

Crafting a good event report is telling a story; your story.  With some determination, some skill, and some ideas anybody can write a report of a past event down on paper and get it published.  Writing an event report is easy to do once you have an idea on what you should write down and present to the rest of the populace.

July 10, 2016

Capturing the Moment: Photography at SCA Events


I find it exciting to capture photos of my friends enjoying an event in the Society for Creative Anachronism.   Events are where we have court, participate in tournaments, and experience the fun of the Current Middle Ages together.   I like to record these things not only for my own memories but for other people’s memories as well.  I enjoy sharing these “moments of time” with others that they will cherish; and it is well worth the effort of lugging my camera around to an event.  From my experiences my local group is accustomed to having their photos taken and are positive with it because I worked hard on creating a repertoire with them-- creating a positive atmosphere for photographers in my group.  Event photography is as easy as bringing along your camera and taking pictures, right?  Is it that simple?

This type of culture was, I thought, quite common; who doesn’t enjoy having their picture taken?  It turned out not quite true.  While following several groups on social media I noticed a disturbing trend—photographers in other groups were facing opposition when they tried to take photos at events, often being chastised for it. This made me wonder what is going on because I am welcomed by my local group to take pictures.  What was difference?