November 8, 2016

The Depiction of Bears in History: The Beast Revealed in Art and Artifacts of the SCA Timeframe


Bears have been known throughout history as the devourer of man, the scourge of the wilds, and other titles noted for their apex predatory nature of mankind.  These animals were often revered by early societies, and later on through the SCA time period, continued to represent strength and power.

Throughout the years bears have been portrayed as protectors, as adversaries, as holy companions, and even as soldiers.  From the provocative to the whimsical, the bear is always with us in many art forms preserved in museums throughout the world.  The below is a collection of images of these creatures throughout the time frame of the Society for Creative Anachronism; from the fall of the Roman Empire to the death of Queen Elizabeth I.

It is important to note that this post will update from time to time as more images of bears are found.

The 4th Century (301-400)

A bronze Balsamarium, or a vessel used for holding balsm, from the Roman or Byzantine era, circa 4th Century A.D.  Private collection--image and description found from Sotheby's Art Auction (December 2007).

October 6, 2016

The White Stag Honored

The Stag, honored today upon the field,
in white he strode with blood red shield.
For honor's stand against many sword
Pressed from all, a mighty horde.

For each one wished to lay the claim
The Great Stag's life and their own fame,
but deftly turning blades and blows,
fought with honor for the Princess of Snows.

The sun burned bright, the fight went on,
for each fighter present the Stag sang his song,
of swinging blades and virtuous deeds,
the sound of which brought many to knees.

When all of a sudden the Stag was alone,
And each warrior realized honor his own;
for each win or loss upon the great field
their valor and honor as bright as his shield.

And that's the Stag's lesson, hard to tame:
We fight for the ladies and not base fame.
For to face the Stag in victory or defeat
is honor gained and the Stag he does meet.

Halfdan Ozurrson, July 2013

I wrote the above poem a few hours before I was elevated as a Bard of Oertha.  The poem honors Prince Kenric who played the part of the White Stag in the tournament at Selviergard's Ten Year Celebration.  The poem expounds on the idealized reasoning behind the fighting, and utilizing the tale of the White Stag, attempts to show that it is for honor and for the ladies we fight for and not for the act of winning.

July 31, 2016

The Art of Writing an Event Report

Having an event report—a written and published account of what happened at an event—is helpful in many ways.  An event report preserves history for future generations, tells a story of great deeds that happened, encourages participation to future events, and at the least, is a filler for your local newsletter or website.  Sometimes these reports are written out, sometimes they aren’t.  Writing out an event report is something easily accomplished with a little know-how and some effort.

Crafting a good event report is telling a story; your story.  With some determination, some skill, and some ideas anybody can write a report of a past event down on paper and get it published.  Writing an event report is easy to do once you have an idea on what you should write down and present to the rest of the populace.

July 10, 2016

Capturing the Moment: Photography at SCA Events


I find it exciting to capture photos of my friends enjoying an event in the Society for Creative Anachronism.   Events are where we have court, participate in tournaments, and experience the fun of the Current Middle Ages together.   I like to record these things not only for my own memories but for other people’s memories as well.  I enjoy sharing these “moments of time” with others that they will cherish; and it is well worth the effort of lugging my camera around to an event.  From my experiences my local group is accustomed to having their photos taken and are positive with it because I worked hard on creating a repertoire with them-- creating a positive atmosphere for photographers in my group.  Event photography is as easy as bringing along your camera and taking pictures, right?  Is it that simple?

This type of culture was, I thought, quite common; who doesn’t enjoy having their picture taken?  It turned out not quite true.  While following several groups on social media I noticed a disturbing trend—photographers in other groups were facing opposition when they tried to take photos at events, often being chastised for it. This made me wonder what is going on because I am welcomed by my local group to take pictures.  What was difference?

April 1, 2016

Baronial Historians Warn The Past Is Expanding At Alarming Rate

Halfdan’s Crossing, Selviergard—Painting a stark portrait of a phenomenon that appears to be irreversible, a report published Tuesday by the Selviergard Historical Association has found that the past is currently expanding at an alarming rate.

The comprehensive 950-page study including 32 pages of bibliography and at least seventeen appendixes, compiled by a group of the Barony’s most prominent historians supervised by a panel of three Research Laurels, warns that the sum total of past time grows progressively larger each day, making it unlikely that anything can be done to halt, or even slow down, the relentless trend.

March 24, 2016

Preserving Your Local History

Getting Started

As members of the Society for Creative Anachronism we tend to revere history; after all, we are recreating the past. Without knowing the past, we cannot learn from it, be inspired by it, or recreate it.

But what about the history more close to home; the history of the group we play in? Do you know the history? Do you remember?

When we preserve our local history we immortalize great deeds, teach important lessons, help others form spectacular ideas, and remember those that are no longer with us.

Preserving your local history can be a challenge but it can also be a wonderful experience as well. The key to making it happen is to knowing how to start; specifically by knowing what you are looking for and where to find it.

March 17, 2016

Roman Pastimes: Felix Sex and Duodicem Scripta

Image 1.  Finished game boards and tokens.


Games and other diversions are an important part of society, both ancient and modern. It is games that we play, and to some extent, how we play them that we learn, grow, acquire socialization skills, and expand our knowledge.  Games also give us the opportunity to satisfy our primal urges to conquer our opponent without doing actual harm.  For our ancestors; games provided the opportunity for entertainment, diversion, and as a way to learn strategy.

March 7, 2016

The Nine Worthies

Established in the Middle Ages, the list of the Nine Worthies was first penned by Jacques de Longuyon in his book Voeux du Paon; a literary work translated as "The Vows of the Peacock."  The Vows of the Peacock was considered to be a very popular romance novel in the 14th century.  In his book, de Longuyon describes, amongst other things, nine virtues that he associated with the concept of romantic chivalry.

De Longuyon's list of The Nine is separated into three distinct groups, each with three people in it.  The list of The Nine starts with the three good Pagans; famous names from Rome and Greece--Hector, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar form this list.  The second list is comprised of the three good Jews; Joshua, David, and the little known Judas Maccabeus.  The last and final section--reserved for the three good Christians--the exalted names of King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon are recorded.