October 6, 2016

The White Stag Honored

The Stag, honored today upon the field,
in white he strode with blood red shield.
For honor's stand against many sword
Pressed from all, a mighty horde.

For each one wished to lay the claim
The Great Stag's life and their own fame,
but deftly turning blades and blows,
fought with honor for the Princess of Snows.

The sun burned bright, the fight went on,
for each fighter present the Stag sang his song,
of swinging blades and virtuous deeds,
the sound of which brought many to knees.

When all of a sudden the Stag was alone,
And each warrior realized honor his own;
for each win or loss upon the great field
their valor and honor as bright as his shield.

And that's the Stag's lesson, hard to tame:
We fight for the ladies and not base fame.
For to face the Stag in victory or defeat
is honor gained and the Stag he does meet.

Halfdan Ozurrson, July 2013

I wrote the above poem a few hours before I was elevated as a Bard of Oertha.  The poem honors Prince Kenric who played the part of the White Stag in the tournament at Selviergard's Ten Year Celebration.  The poem expounds on the idealized reasoning behind the fighting, and utilizing the tale of the White Stag, attempts to show that it is for honor and for the ladies we fight for and not for the act of winning.